Categories: Social Media

11 Social media holidays to add to your content calendar

Do you need some social media holidays to spruce up your content calendar? If so, you’ve come to the right place! Social media holidays have become an increasingly popular way to engage with your audience and stay relevant, while also promoting your products or business in a fun way.

In this blog post, we’ll be exploring 11 social media holidays your brand can hop on. We’ll discuss what makes each one unique, creative ways to celebrate, and tips for connecting with your audience. 

So, let’s get started! 


National Selfie Day: June 21st

National Selfie Day is a great way to show off the special moments in your life and connect with friends and family. To celebrate National Selfie Day, you can share pictures of yourself doing something fun or of a special moment you shared with your team.

You can use National Selfie Day to encourage your followers to take their own selfies and share them with you.


National Puppy Day: March 23rd

National Puppy Day is a fun and meaningful holiday that celebrates the unconditional love and companionship that puppies bring into our lives, while also promoting responsible pet ownership and helping to raise awareness about the importance of adopting from shelters and rescues.

On National Puppy Day, people also take the opportunity to share photos of their own puppies or office fur members using #NationalPuppyDay.


National Pizza Day: February 9th

National Pizza Day is a holiday celebrated annually on February 9th. This day is dedicated to celebrating one of the most beloved foods around the world, pizza!

In addition to being a fun and delicious holiday, National Pizza Day also highlights the cultural significance of pizza. Originally from Italy, pizza has become a popular dish worldwide and has been adapted to fit different regional tastes and preferences.

To celebrate your brand can create a fun ‘pizza’ using products, share a reel with pizza and your product in it, or share a meme from iconic movies where pizza was involved.


National Peanut Butter Day: January 24th

National Peanut Butter Day is a celebration of one of the most popular spreads in the world. It falls on January 24th each year and is a great way to enjoy a classic.

For some brands like No Sugar Company National Peanut Butter Day is the perfect day to promote peanut butter products, like their Keto Bomb Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter


No Sugar Day: Oct 3rd

No Sugar Day, created by No Sugar Company, encourages people to reduce their sugar intake and raises awareness of the dangers of sugar consumption. This is the perfect example of a brand taking initiative to create its own national day (can thank us for that!). The day is also a great time for like-minded brands with zero or low sugar to promote their alternatives. 


Global Day of Unplugging: March 1st

The Global Day of Unplugging is an annual event that encourages people to disconnect from their technology for 24 hours and engage in activities that promote mindfulness, creativity, and human connection.

During the 24-hour period, participants are encouraged to engage in activities such as spending time in nature, reading a book, practicing meditation or yoga, or spending time with loved ones. The goal is to take a break from the distractions of technology and to focus on the present moment.

This is a great time for brands to encourage customers and followers to unplug and get outside.


World Emoji Day: July 17th

People celebrate World Emoji Day annually on July 17th to acknowledge the widespread use of emojis in modern communication. On this day, people share their favourite emoji or create their own unique emojis to express their emotions and ideas.

It’s a fun way to celebrate how the world has become increasingly connected through the power of these small symbols.

If your brand is really daring you can share a code using emojis that fans need to decipher or create and launch your own emojis to use on that day. It’s a fun day to think outside of the box.


National Vitamin C Day: April 4th

National Vitamin C Day is celebrated on April 4th each year and is a great opportunity for supplement or vitamin brands to educate followers on Vitamin C. Vitamin C is an essential nutrient that helps support your immune system and maintain healthy skin, bones, and teeth.

Platinum Naturals’ Vitamin C+, for example, is the perfect supplement to promote on National Vitamin C Day. This blend has 600mg of Vitamin C, magnesium, and zinc for maintaining overall health.

For this day you can host a sale, educate customers or share a fun morning routine reel that includes the product.


Random Acts of Kindness Day: February 17th

Random Acts of Kindness Day encourages individuals to perform acts of kindness for others without expecting anything in return

It is the perfect time for brands with key messages around kindness to build authentic social media campaigns. Whether you’re sharing content of your team spreading kindness or encouraging customers to spread kindness on their own, you have the opportunity to entertain your followers while promoting a positive message.


World Music Day: June 21st

World Music Day is an annual event that takes place on June 21st. Dedicated to celebrating music in all its forms, this day encourages people to participate actively.

Brands can use World Music Day to create a Spotify playlist that is relevant to their products. For example, eco-friendly brands can create a playlist of songs about nature, or a chill outdoors playlist with relaxing music. 


National Natural Joy Day: May 2nd

Natural Joy Day, created by Joyburst, encourages people to engage in activities that spark joy. It’s the perfect time to promote a walk, listen to music, or promote moderate exercise.

To celebrate, brands can talk about how their products fit into moments that bring natural joy or release endorphins. Hiking boots, fitness classes, fitness instructors, and even sunscreen companies can jump in. In fact, sun exposure is linked to releasing feel-good hormones!

This was another national holiday that the Soar Media Group team created for our client.


We hope you enjoyed our list of Social Media holidays! They are a great way to connect with your audience and add some excitement and uniqueness to your content. Just remember to only choose days that are relevant to your brand message and audience. And if you need help, don’t hesitate to reach out. 

Looking to further your social media game? Check out our blog post on Best Social Media Podcasts You Should Listen To in 2023!

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Soar Media Group is a full-service social media marketing agency located in Toronto. We help lifestyle brands create unique social media experiences through digital storytelling and content marketing. Contact us for a quote.